
Posts Tagged ‘art’

Well it's an even-numbered year, which means only one thing. The Post Office's Christmas stamps are on a secular theme, and a thousand and one blithering idiots with too much time on their hands and persecution complexes bigger than a very big mountain of very big things, will be whining and moaning that the Post Office, for some vague reason probably connected to Militant Secularism™, are trying to ban Christianity. Because that's what post offices do. Obviously.

This post began life as an attempt to put that straight by listing the basic theme of every set of Christmas stamps since 1966, when the tradition began. And that would have been as boring as hell. But along the way, it kind of grew into a collection of digressions loosely held together by a list of stamps. We have Joyce Grenfell in there, and a short discussion of the slang pertaining to British coinage, and many other brief but, I hope, interesting and amusing snippets of trivia, reminiscence and opinion.


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CSS Art Again

I do intend to get an actual proper post up some time in the next couple o' days, I promise! For now, though, here's another bit of CSS tomfoolery art for you, Gentle Reader. Once again, no graphics-files were used in the making of this post.

And I'll bung some paper-related songs below the fold- -as it were- -for the music-lovers. 'cause I'm nice like that!

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[No graphics-files have been used in the making of this post.]

I don't know about you, but when I'm feeling poorly—as I have been the last couple o' days—my first choice is to curl up with a book. If the gawdimdyingitis is a variety which buggers up my attention span though, my next port of call is mucking about with silly stuff on the computer, just to see what happens. Which is how the subject of this post came about.


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I can't draw to save me life, which is probably why I get so blown-away by works like this. One of the playing-cards in the picture above is real, the other is a drawing. Which do you think is which?


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