
Archive for June, 2019

It turns out that through a combination of life getting in the way and of me being really rusty at any form of writing longer than a couple of paragraphs, it's takin' me a bit (ahem) longer to get a post up than expected. Which prompted a good idea from Stephen. Resurrect the Friday Night Is Music Night series of posts, and do the first one on the theme of writing.

So okay, here's six to get the ball rolling. As ever, feel free to add your own in comments.

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Hello Gentle Reader.

It’s been quite a while.

Basically, I kinda dug myself a deep mental pit, dived into it and pulled the roof in over my head. I retreated, both on and off line, into my own little world. It wasn’t a terrible world. No one should be applying words like "clinical" at this point. There were movies and books, and, as ever with me, there was music. But little, if any of it, was shared with others. Which, as anyone who’s been there can tell you, is not a good or a healthy thing.

And before I continue, please allow me to thank and to apologise to all those who sent emails asking where I was and if I was okay. Having cut myself off, I simply didn’t know how to reply and so, to my shame, I didn’t. That apology goes double for Diana Lesperance, who I let down when she asked for help, which is inexcusable, even if I did have problems of my own.


My gradual return to the land of the living began, ironically enough, with a funeral. An old friend from my music tribe, circle, subculture, whatever the hell you call it, died, and someone else managed to find me to let me know. Reconnecting with old friends as well as making some new ones at the "do" afterwards, virtually all of whom told me to buck myself up and start getting out there again, kinda gave me the kick in the nether regions which I most certainly needed. And so, at least on the music-scene side of things, I have done. Not at the gigging-every-weekend level that I once did, but enough. Good bands, good beer and good friends—the kind who don’t care where you’ve been so long as you’re back—have once again become a regular part of my life.

And, at first only because that’s how news of musical events gets passed around these days, I ended up joining Facebork. Mostly (I use the word advisedly) I don’t do much in the way of politics and religion on there, except well, you know; it’s hard to completely give up once you get the bug. For the most part my posts are the same silly worn-out jokes that ninety percent of the rest of the online world pass around, with the addition of a fair lump of music-related content. With that proviso, please feel free to "friend" me if you do the Facebork thing. (The only contact I have on there at present from my blogging days is Padre Steve because I ran across him on there purely by chance. I don’t think he’s regretted accepting my request. Though it could be he’s just too darn nice and polite to tell me to bugger off…)

And so to this. I don’t know if it’ll work or if it’ll last, but I kind of have an itch to revitalise this blog. I’m not sure what direction, if any, it’ll take. I’m certainly not sure I’m ready for the constantly argumentative religion and politics, but maybe just putting something out there will spark summat. I dunno. I think it’s worth trying at least.

For now though, and going back to the music thing, if you liked the musical side of the blog in days of yore, you might be interested to know that I have a weekly show all to meself on a proper licenced internet radio network. (Ooh! It’s almost professional!) Mondays at 7:00 PM (UK time) you can thrill to my dulcet tones as I introduce an hour’s (okay, 55 to 57 minutes’) worth of rockabilly, rhythm ‘n’ blues, rock ‘n’ roll, psychobilly etc on Rockabilly Radio. There’s a choice of web-players on the linked page, or you can paste http://lin3.ash.fast-serv.com:6026/ into the appropriate place in any desktop media player capable of handling streamed content.

And, for now, on that unashamedly self-promotional note, I think that’s me lot. Let us, Gentle Reader, see what the future brings.

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